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英文自我介绍(求职面试版 篇一

My name is xxx,I'm xxyears old. Now let tell you about my family.

There are four members in my family; my parents, my cute cat of xyears old andme. My father is a technician in the xxxx TV station. He often goes out on business. So most of the housework is done by my industrious mom. Climbing at weekends is our common interest. The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredness. They can strengthen our relation, too.During my prepareing for coming here,my parents’ love and support have always been my power.and I hope in future I wil be able to repay them.

Then that is my family,do you like it ?

英文自我介绍 篇二

Hello everybody:

My name is xxx.I come from Guangdong province in China.I am very happy to come here to study etime.

I hope I can become your friend soon.

Thank you very much.

英文版自我介绍 篇三

Dear teachers,good morning.I am a student named ,who will graduate from university in July, 20xx, with a degree in .I am a major,and during the past four years,I spent most of my time on studying,so I have gained many scholarships and rewards,I believe I have acquired the basic knowledge of being a student.

Besides,I also take part in all kinds of activities,which makes me a rational and diligent young man with good interpersonal skills.However, I find the knowledge of mine is not sufficient ,I want to go deeper in this field. Your university is a well-staffed and well-equipped institute with a long history and a fine tradition of scholarship,enjoying a worldwide fame,and I will certainly feel greatly honored if I am fortunate enough to be admitted into it. It’s my dream to be a postgraduate of your university.Thank you.

英文自我介绍 篇四

My name is ***.I am twenty-eight years old. In 1986 I received my M.S. in Chemistry from the University of California. As a student I took many Chemistry and Biology courses a few of which are listed here:

General Chemistry

Organic chemistry

Physical Chemistry

Biochemistry - two years

Analytical Chemistry - both organic and Inorganic

As I was a graduate student, I worked as a research assistant for Dr. John Williams, Professor of biochemistry, University of California. During this time I assisted Dr. Williams in basic research concerning the phosphates cycle in metabolism. I can supply u with a copy of the resulting paper at your request.

Since my graduation I have been employed by Boston university as an assistant professor. I have continued my research in this time, and several of my papers have been published in New York. my immediate superior, Dr. William Larson, has indicated his willingness to provide my with a reference.

I feel that I have sufficient education and experience in my background to fulfill the qualifications for your position.

英文自我介绍 篇五

I am an optimistic, cheerful and lively person. When I work, I can take my work seriously and carefully, and I also have good affinity. I am good at communicating with others. I have a wide range of hobbies. I like singing, running and traveling. I also like to innovate and pursue some new things. I have graduated for a year. In this year, after I entered the society myself, I also worked part-time and full-time. Now I have a certain working ability and language communication ability, and I do things seriously. At work, I received help and recognition from leaders and colleagues, but I also hope that I can find a more suitable job to train myself, and I hope that I can make continuous progress in the future. I also hope that I can find a company with industry potential related to my major, and I will devote myself to the company and my work with the fullest enthusiasm.

英文自我介绍 篇六

Hello, everybody ——! (Bow)My name is XXX, from Hunan XX, I am cheerful, honest, easy to get along with others; likes playing basketball, mountain climbing and running.

I am very pleased and honored to join the “XX” to the family, where not only provided me with a growth exercise, showing a good platform for self, but also for giving me the chance to meet more new colleagues, new friends. - Take this, I am grateful for the leadership, I thank you all so give me a good opportunity. (Bow)

I first arrived, there are many aspects of the knowledge you need to learn, but also hope in future we can work great weekend!

I believe that through our mutual understanding and mutual understanding, we will not only become a career go hand in hand with the struggle of his comrades, life will be like-minded, woe friend.Finally, I would like to be able to work together with you for our common cause to fight!

个人英文自我介绍 篇七

Hello! My name is Chen Danqing. My English name is Joy. I'm 14 years old. I'm a happy girl. I have a happy family. My father and my mother are both office workers. They're busy. But at weekends, they always cook nice food for me. I'm happy in the family. I love my parents and they love me very much.

I'm a student at Dongzhou Middle School. It is very big and beautiful. There are many classroom buildings and office buildings. Besides the buildings, there is a big playground. After school, there are lots of boys playing basketball on it. I think they are happy. There are a lot of flowers and trees in my school. They are beautiful. I like my school. In my school, I have many friends. All my friends are polite and helpful. My friends are all nice to me. They can make me happy. So I like playing with them.

My hobbies are listening to music and reading. I like pop music very much. I dislike sports because I'm not strong. It's hard for me.


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