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考研复试英语自我介绍优秀7篇 考研复试英语自我介绍范文10篇

更新时间:2023-04-25 来源:互联网 点击:


考研复试英语自我介绍 篇一

Good morning, teachers, I am honored to be informed to have this interview.

First let me introduce myself, my name is xx, 23 years old, and David is my English name. I am open-minded, easy to adapt, compatible with my friends, and willing to help others.

I studied in xx University. Although it is not well know, I still appreciate it, because it offers me a chance to develop my abilities. During my college years, I have made rapid and great progress in many areas, as a student, I work very hard, and obtain scholarship many times, as a monitor, I work earnestly, also gain good comments from teachers and classmates, working as a member of Student Union, I strive to finish any assignment perfectly. In a word, I learned a lot in my college life.

In my family, there are three members, my farther, my mother, and I. My parents are workers, my father works very hard, and he is always fully occupied, so most of the housework is done by my mother, of course, while I am at home, I would help her. I love my parents and they love me, too. When I make a success, they are more excited than me, and support me to do better. Even though I failed, instead of blaming, they always share sorrow with me, and encourage me not to give up. During my preparation for graduate examination, the support from my family is always my momentum. Parents‘ love is unselfish, I am deeply affected, so I will do all what I can to repay them.

My hometown is xx, a young city in xx Province. It is famous for its xx and xx. There are great scenes here, xx, xx, xx, and so on. Each year, many people come here for tour and investment. So I believe that, with the joint efforts of every person, a better future of xx is coming .

考研英语复试自我介绍 篇二

Good morning, everyone! It’s really my pleasure to be here for the interview.

My name is (你的名字), from (城市名) city, (省份名称) province. I am currently studying in the major of (专业名称) from the department of (院系名称), and I will graduate from (学校名称)this July.

In the past three and a half years, I have learnt some basic knowledge of …(所学专业). For example, from the courses of (课程名称) and (课程名称), I got to know …(专业理论). When I learnt more about this field, I became more interested in it. Apart from the textbooks, I borrowed many relevant ones from our library to read, such as (你读过的相关的专业课书的名称)、(你读过的专业相关的书籍名称)and (你读过的专业相关的书籍名称). I really enjoyed my journey when reading and absorbing the information from these fascinating works. In addition to reading books, I also like browsing through some journals in (专业领域) on a daily basis so that I can keep an eye on the latest news and findings in my area. My passion in (专业名称) is the reason why I would like to pursue my further study in this field. Owing to my diligence and persistence, I could concentrate on my study and I believe that I could eventually succeed.

I think I’m a hard working student, but this does not mean that I am bookish. In my spare time, I’d like to listen to some music and do some sports, like (女同学这里可以说jogging, yoga, Pilates, badminton and Tae kwon do; 男同学可以说basketball, football and tennis, 这里要结合大家的实际情况来说). I will try my best to do anything that I am interested in. For example, …. (这里大家可以举例说在大学时报名了一个什么比赛,然后自己如何努力,最后取得不错的成绩).

This is just a brief introduction of myself. If there is any further detail you would like to know about me, please feel free to ask. Thank you very much!

考研复试英语自我介绍 篇三

I'm xxx,26 years old , born in xxcity ,HeNan Province.In year 1996,I entered xxxUniversity, majoring in Machincal Designing and Producing. During those 4 years'study,I worked hard and I was always active in various activities. I gained the first scholarship for four times and I joined the Communist Party at the college.

After my graduation in June 20xx,I worked in xxxxcompany. I got a position in the Technology Department the first year and I was involved in several internet projects, such as the one for College student Recruitment in Henan Province andthe one for Computer Center in Mathmatics Department in Zhengzhou University. Owning to my hard work ,I was rewarded the Best Newcomer Prize in the year 20xx. The next year, I was transferred into the Principal Customer Department, responsible for the Developing and strengthening a good relationship between the

principal customers and my company. Two major customers, Henan Provincipal Department of Transportation and Henan Provincial Department of Personnel, are under my work.

考研英语复试自我介绍 篇四





考研复试英语自我介绍 篇五

My name is xx, you can also call me Eason,I has such an english name just because the pronunciation of it is like my chinese name. I graduated from this university last year, and major in computer science, I liked computer very much, eecially in multimedia technology, and wanted to make some achievement in this field, but when I finished my school.

Well, in my are time, I like soccer, pop music, and stamp, being a soccer fan, I always show my love to Manchester United and Ryan Giggs is my favorite. I also like English very much, and had passed Band six this year, but I do think it‘s still a long way to study it, so I wouldn’t give up my English studying, and improve my oral and listening ability.

So that‘s all, thank you.

考研复试英语自我介绍 篇六

Good morning, my reected professors! It is my honor to be here for your interview. First, let me introduce myself to your. I am x x, 23, born in Guilin, I am a senior student in the Computer College of Henan Normal University. Now, I am doing my best to obtaining a chance to attend Sichuan University.

In the past 4 years, most my time has been ent on study or campus activities. I had passed the CET-6 and Software Designer Examination. Our software project got the supported of the College Student Development Foundation. Furthermore, the experience of being monitor in my class and vice director in the Students’ Union helped me know the importance of cooperation and communication.

As to my characters, I don’t want to use any beautiful word to praise myself. Just like my father, I strive to be an honest, upright and modest man. In my are time, I like swimming, table tennis and Chinese chess. Also English songs and movies are my favorite.

Forrest Gump had said, ‘Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get’. However, I always believe we should cherish our time, and sense any change for self-development, and we will have good proect.

Diligence is the mother of success, Efficiency is the only way.

That is all for my self-introduction, thank you!

考研复试英语自我介绍 篇七

I'm ,26 years old , born in city , Province.In the year of ,I entered University, majoring in Machincal Designing and Producing. During those 4 years'study,I worked hard and I was always active in various activities. I gained the first scholarship for four times and I joined the Communist Party at the college.

However,with time going on ,the more I experienced, the clearer I realized that I'm really interested in the Enterprise Management .I find many enterprises have the problem of an unmatched management to its developing eed . I'm eager to learn more about management and I hope I can study further in this University.

So I resigned in August , 20xx and started the way to pursuing my studies. After about half year's hard work, I'm finally standing before your honorable professors now. I'm really excited. Though I've sacrificed much on my way to pusuing studies, I believe it's worthwhile. I believe working hard will finally be prepared. Thank you !


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