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更新时间:2023-06-25 来源:互联网 点击:


推荐导游用英文怎么说简短 篇一

















百国毡庐凭驻扎,千州铁骑任纵横; 八方区域尊明主,一代天骄尚武功。蒙古威名炳史册,千秋争颂大好汉。”这首诗根基上客观地写出了游人对成吉思汗作为伟雄师事家、政治家汗青职位的必定与认同。苏勒德祭坛是供奉成吉思汗势如破竹的哈日苏勒德(黑神矛)的台基。蒙昔人把苏勒德www.看作是永生天赏给的神矛,从成吉思汗时期就开始祭奠。成吉思汗哈日苏勒德的祭祀,与成吉思汗灵包的祭祀一样,每年要进行月小祭、年祭和虎年大祭等多次祭祀。在苏勒德祭坛,还供奉着成吉思汗胞弟哈萨尔的花神矛阿拉格苏勒德。







英语导游词 篇二

The second largest city of jilin province, is also the only one in our country and province name repetition of the city. Jilin formerly known as "ula" jilin, manchu means "of the city along the river". Through the city jilin city has a long history, the songhua river water, gave birth to the ancient peoples and cultures. Jilin city was named "China's famous historical and cultural city" of the state council, class a open city and one of 32 large cities in China.

Jilin city has a long history and a pleasant climate. 14 to 19 century AD, the jilin northeast region is important political, economic and military center. In the late qing dynasty, the republic of China, and the early liberation, jilin city is the capital of jilin province city.

Jilin city rich in natural resources, abundant around the products. Land, water, minerals, forests, wild animals and plants resources were higher than the national average, especially the water resources reserves is bigger, is one of the rare water cities in China, water resources per capita volume of 3679 cubic meters. After 50 years of development, jilin has become mainly chemical industry, electric power, etc, solid foundation, all kinds of modern industrial city. Jilin city is one of the main commodity grain base, grain output reached 2.61 million tons. In recent years, with the rapid economic development at the same time, the city appearance with each passing day. Jilin city show shan lingshui xiu, the scenery beautiful city style as the overall goal of the urban construction, is set in the natural landscape, with historical development vein, with the buildings of chic modelling in the ornament, as a whole to promote jilin city image, to show the vitality of the old river and colorful glamour.

Distinctive landscape features and rich culture and history of jilin city, rich in tourism resources, tourism broad development space. Lower back slowly turn, songhua river in an s-shaped type through the city. Surrounded Long Tanshan, small white, rosefinch mountain ridge, xuan day, such as mythology, blue dragon, white tiger, rosefinch, xuanwu four vault. God has west mountains, the east group two sites of ancient culture, landscape, one another. Surrounded by mountains and river of rotary, form "green hills on three sides by water all around, a city of mountains half city jiang" natural beauty.

Advantageous natural conditions, the jilin city has a unique natural landscape and human landscape, plump, white, redstone three hydropower station is completed, formed "one river lakes" beauty, songhua lake is classified as national tourist area, jilin rime is regarded as one of China's four natural wonders, Long Tanshan area were classified as state-level tourist attractions.

Jilin city is a famous historical and cultural city, built in 1742 in downtown the northeast's largest Confucian temple, Confucian temple; jilin A mixed Buddha, Taoism and Confucianism, Taoism rubbing of beishan temple; Ash field of cliff stone carvings of Ming dynasty left; There are full of mysterious "most of the world" JiLinShi meteorites, full-bodied traditional folk customs and local characteristics.

Jilin city is typical of ice and snow sports tourism city in China, the city sports center inside the ice, beishan, rosefinch mountain tourism ski resorts, songhua lake skiing and north lake. Breezily in fallen snow.where mountains, when you will see the decoration of the mountain, the romantic snow, flying volley, ski slopes and mountainous, the gray. Into the arms of the nature, like silvery dream.

推荐导游用英文怎么说简短 篇三








推荐导游用英文怎么说简短 篇四








英语导游词 篇五

The Butterfly Spring in Yangshuo is located in the essence of the "ten LiGallery" in Yangshuo Moon Mountain scenic area. It has the only originalsuspension bridge in Yangshuo, the waterfall of the mountain music stream, thebird's view of Yangshuo's "Dragon River" and Yangjiao mountain. The best scenicspots, honeybee Gardens, Butterfly Gardens, the largest butterfly garden inChina, and other ballet are also known as "ballet" on the rock wall. Dance "--the most fashionable outdoor sports of rock climbing and the live performance ofLiangzhu song and dance let you get rid of the noise and return to nature.

The main scenic spots in butterfly spring park are: Butterfly cave,butterfly mountain waterfall, butterfly bridge, beautiful scenery of butterflymountain, butterfly edge, bee edge, butterfly Pavilion, etc. In butterflyspring, in addition to the idyllic scenery of Yangshuo, you can also see thelocal style performance, bee training skills and free taste of wild honey.

Especially worth mentioning is the butterfly edge in the garden. Atpresent, it is the largest butterfly garden in China, with colorful butterfliesdancing among thousands of trees. As long as you walk into the edge ofbutterflies, you can't help but "look for flowers and ask for willows, attractwind and provoke butterflies", and experience the feeling of "dancing withbutterflies and butterflies". When you climb to the top of Dieshan mountain, youwill arrive at the best place to overlook the idyllic scenery of Yangshuo,either the clear sky, or the misty rain, or the curl of cooking smoke risingfrom the mountain village covered with mist under the setting sun.

英语导游词 篇六

Welcome to changsha, hunan! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you cancall me little x. In order to facilitate everyone to visit, let me firstintroduce the history of changsha in hunan province.

15-20__00 years ago, human activity has started in changsha. About 7000years ago, changsha began to form the village. About 2400 years ago in thespring and autumn period and the warring states period chu in changsha city.Until today, the site has not changed, more than 20__ years ago the location ofthe road and even today the streets are still coincidence, therefore, changshabecome the longest in the history of Chinese city one of the cities at the sameaddress.

The different historical period, changsha has "LinXiang", called "tamstates"; Changsha tang and song dynasty and Ming dynasty and qing dynasty, itseconomy and culture as its most prosperous period in history. The earliestdocumented in the name of "changsha" ", wang shifu book will be about tribute"changsha turtle" say, more than 3000 years ago. Chow period of ningxiang countycoal river site unearthed four sheep statue of bronze ware etc reflects thechangsha area with the original a connection. Changsha, about 2400 years historyof city construction, city was built in the spring and autumn period and thewarring states period, chu. "The millet of changsha, chu also." ChuCheng kingset county in guizhou, changsha as its scope. By qin qin shi huang unifiedChina, changsha county 36 county, one of which is changsha starts with China'sadministrative division name go down in history. Han period, the capital city ofchangsha, changsha countries. In the early eastern han dynasty waste "changsha"appointed "changsha county" instead.

In The Three Kingdoms and the western jin dynasty period, changsha countygovernance, belong to the ancient jingzhou. The late western jin dynasty and thenorthern and southern dynasties, changsha county and hunan state system ofgovernance.

Sui early withdrawal county, head of changsha as tam state government; Thelate change state for the county, and changsha, changsha county countygovernance. When set pool by the tang dynasty, once jiangnan road, Jiang Naxiway. Changsha kiln in the five dynasties period of the tang dynasty, onceflourished, become the birthplace of under glaze color. Five dynasties and tenstates period for changsha chu capital, which is the only country to changshafor capital.

When the song dynasty by the changsha to pool. Changsha yuelu academy, setup in the northern song dynasty to culture and education to the peak. The yuandynasty in 1274 to pool state road, HuGuang province seat. Is still the tamstate road 1281, hunan DaoXuan comfort seat, subordinate HuGuang provinces; Yuanliterate admired day calendar for two years due to the "good" emperors nameheaven road, yuan state seat change at the end of the pool. Ming to changshaFuZhi, originally department subordinate HuGuang. The qing emperor kangxi threeyears to build "hunan province", changsha as changsha government FuZhi and hunanprovince. When Ming and qing dynasties, changsha, there are four big market andbig four, what he said, one of the most important market for China.

Late qing dynasty, zeng guofan became "the first person of hunan", thechangsha government emerged important figure in Chinese history, such as CengGuoquan, zuo zongtang, Hu Linyi, such as elimination of the taiping heavenlykingdom, started the westernization movement, recovered in xinjiang, etc., causeprofound influence to the late qing dynasty of China. Late qing dynasty andearly republic of China, changsha become important political and revolutionaryactivities. The reform movement of Chen Baozhen, tan sitong, establishment ofThe Times in changsha school. ZiLiJun uprising, China after a sudden flash ofinspiration, symbol of tian-hua Chen and Yao Hongye, clear ping feels ashameduprising, rob rice agitation, are influential activities. Against the qingdynasty in the late qing dynasty made a series of qing dynasty, made greatcontribution to the establishment of the republic of China.

导游的英语说法 篇七


英语导游词 篇八

Ladies and gentlemen:

Everybody is good! I am the guide from the dunhuang mogao grottoes day trip, my name is Chen, you can call me Chen guide! Your eyes is the mogao grottoes, want to know what kind of mogao grottoes is? To listen to me slowly.

The mogao grottoes, located in the southeast of dunhuang city, about 25 kilometers away from the city, 'spoilers wat to open in China east cliff. It is China's largest classical art treasure, it is a center of buddhist art.

Number of tourists, cave 492, more than 20xx statues statue, 33 meters, the largest minimum only 10 centimeters. So, the most famous statue in the mogao grottoes.

If the total area of 45000 square meters, the mural to arrange all the paintings, there are 30 kilometers long. If say the mogao grottoes of dunhuang is famous the world, so, make the mogao grottoes is famous for its first these murals, is traveling to visit.

The mogao grottoes in 1987 UNESCO world cultural heritage, is the most key cultural relics protection.

Okay, now I introduce to here, please walk. Can't throw the peel and other trash, graffito of the scribble on the murals, to protect cultural relics.

Thank you very much!


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