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  The secret garden is a book full of magic. When you are in a state of depression, it will make you happy immediately.秘密花园读后感100字英文版(秘密花园的读后感100字左右)

  The heroine of this book is a little girl named Marie whose parents were taken away by a terrible cholera. Marie became an orphan and had to be sent to her uncles manor. The manor was an ancient and mysterious place with an ancient garden that was locked for ten years by her uncle, Mr. clavin, and a little boy, Colin, secretly hid in the room. Maries arrival changed everything here. With the help of the robins, she found the buried garden key and the hidden garden gate, and found the hidden little boy, Colin, her cousin. Marie, Colin and an animal loving boy - deken became good friends since then. After their efforts, they finally woke up the garden which had been sleeping for ten years.

  In the secret garden, I learned that if you want to change your life, you have to work hard and be confident.





  Since the beginning of school, I have read the book "secret garden", which has greatly benefited me.

  The hero, Marie, was the most arrogant and selfish little girl in the world. A deadly cholera made her lose her father, mother and grandmother. From then on, she became an orphan and was sent to her uncles home. Where she knew the Robin, Deacon and Colin, the son of the landlord, slowly became good friends. At a chance, she found the key to the secret garden, and called the friends into the secret garden, and through their cultivation and work, the 10 - year - old garden was reborn again.

  I think Marie turned from a capricious, selfish, overbearing little girl into a tolerant, optimistic and upward person, which is the credit of the secret garden. I think the author of the book, Francis, is very imaginative, because he was inspired by the layout of the garden, writing such a book, and finding inspiration in such a simple thing, a man worthy of our study.

  When I was in trouble, I thought of shrinking. When I wanted to write my homework, I thought my homework was boring. I read "the secret garden". It made me understand that life is the same. As long as we are full of confidence to face life, we can create a beautiful bright sky.






  The little hero in the secret garden is called Marie, a plain looking person. Irascibility。 In a plague, a little girl who was disgusted with others was taken away by her father and mother, and she became an orphan.

  When I saw this moment, I always wanted to ask, "how can this book be a person or thing that makes people unhappy?" I looked down with this question, with the other little protagonist deacon, I gradually realized that the author first adopted the contrast method to let us see Marie, who was lonely and lonely, who felt disgust for everything. After I met my friend, it was gradually bright and beautiful, and gradually let us feel a good judgment. Li.

  This book makes me understand the value of friendship. The lively deacon, with his sincere heart, moved Marie, who was disgusted with everything, and touched Colin, who had a serious illness and had no hope for life, and made him rekindle the fire of life.

  I like the secret garden, and I hope to have the valuable friendship of deacon, so that my life is full of sunshine and joy.





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