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关于父亲节的英语 关于父亲节的英语对话

更新时间:2023-03-06 来源:互联网 点击:


Father's Day is a holiday to celebrate fatherhood and parenting by males, just as Mother's Day celebrates motherhood. Typically giving gifts to fathers and celebrating as a family is the main event of the day. Father's Day is celebrated on different days in different countries.

Father's Day exists almost all over the world to honor and commemorate fathers or forefathers. In the Roman Catholic tradition, Father's Day is

celebrated on Saint Joseph's Day, March 19, though in most countries Father's Day is a secular celebration.

In recent years, retailers have adapted to the holiday by selling male-oriented gifts such as electronics and tools. Schools and other children's programs commonly have activities to make Father's Day gifts.

In the United States, the driving force behind the establishment of the

celebration of Father's Day was Mrs Sonora Smart Dodd, born in Creston, Washington. Her father, the Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart, as a

single parent raised his six children in Spokane, Washington. She was inspired by Anna Jarvis's efforts to establish Mother's Day. Although she initially

suggested June 5, the anniversary of her father's death, she did not provide the organizers with enough time to make arrangements, and the celebration was deferred to the third Sunday of June. The first Father's Day was

celebrated on June 19, 1910, in Spokane.

Unofficial support from such figures as William Jennings Bryan was immediate and widespread. President Woodrow Wilson was personally feted by his family in 1916. President Calvin Coolidge recommended it as a national holiday in

1924. In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson made Father's Day a holiday to be celebrated on the third Sunday of June. The holiday was not officially recognized until 1972, during the presidency of Richard Nixon.

父亲节英文祝福语(中英文对照)2017-05-15 08:04 | #2楼

1、Over the years we have had our differences, but I always love you.


2、You've been father, friend, adviser, all of these and more.


3、Words can't tell how much you mean to us,we wish you happiness on this special day.


4、On this special day, I want to say I am proud of you.Appreciate all you've done for me and I love you.


5、Thanks for holding my hand when i needed it.


6、Happy father's day to an extraordinary father,I love you so much!


7、I owe all of my skills of fatherhood to you dad. happy father's day.


8、I didn't see what a good father you were to us before, but I do now.


9、Now that I am a father, I can see what a good job you did in raising us. 现在我已身为人父。我才知道,您在养育我们时,做得多么好。

10、I hope you know how proud I am of you, Wish you happy father's day! Happiness always!


11、I didn't realize that being a father would be so difficult. It makes me appreciate you all the more.


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