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更新时间:2022-04-23 来源:互联网 点击:

  汉语解释:比赛场地必须是长方形,长度90—120米,宽度45—90米,球门高2.44米 ,宽7.32米,足球用皮革或其他适料制成,圆周不长于70厘米不短于68厘米。那么,你知道足球场的英文单词怎么说吗?



  <名>pitch ; football court

  网 络pitch;football field;field;football pitch



  They squashed through the gate into the football ground.



  A football field should be level.


  They marked the boundaries of the football fields.


  The players are beating up and down in the footballground.


  Several policemen had to escort the referee from the football field.


  A football field needs to be level.


  Its eruptive area is about the length of a football field.


  The boys rolled the football field with a heavy iron.


  The football field was completely waterlogged.

  1. The police, raining blows on rioters and spectators alike, cleared the park. 警察不分闹事者与观众统统一顿猛击,把人们清除出了足球场。

  2. He was arrested for drunkenness on his way to the football ground. 他在去足球场的路上因醉酒闹事而被捕。

  3. an all-weather football pitch 全天候足球场

  4. Some football fans were crowded out of the football ground. 一些足球迷被挤出足球场.

  5. Policemen had to escort the referee from the football field. 警察不得不护送这位裁判离开足球场.

  6. He left all his money to the town with the stipulation that It'should be used tobuild a new football stadium. 他把所有的钱都留给了该镇,条件是必须用这些钱来建一个新足球场.

  7. They are staking out the ground for a new football pitch. 他们正在用木桩标出新足球场场地.

  8. When we arrived at the football field the game had started. 当我们到足球场时,比赛已经开始了.

  9. The new football stadium can hold eighty thousand people. 新的足球场可以容纳八万人.

  10. The football field is enclosed by a wall. 足球场被一道墙围了起来.

  11. The football field was completely waterlogged. 足球场完全浸在水里.

  12. The grass on in the football pitch had wore on heavy frost. 足球场的草地已经结满了厚厚的霜.

  13. Simon: It's about half the size of a football field. 西蒙: 大约半个足球场那么大.

  14. He came over to the football pitch and called to everyone. 他来到到足球场,并呼吁每一个人.

  15. The length of the football field is one hundred yards. 这足球场是100码长.

  16. The venue of the big match is the football ground at Wembley. 举行大赛的地点在温布利足球场.

  17. There is a library football field gym and pool too. 图书馆、足球场、体育馆、游泳池等一任学子驰骋遨游.

  18. Sports Entertainment Facilities: football field, a stadium, a Tennis Hall,swimming pool. 体育娱乐设施: 足球场 、 体育馆 、 网球馆 、 游泳馆.

  19. Many a spectator poured down the street to the football ground. 许多观众沿街向足球场走去.

  20. They squashed through the gate into the football ground. 他们挤过大门,进入足球场.

上一篇:演员的英语单词(演员的英语单词怎么写) 下一篇:俱乐部的英文是什么(俱乐部的英文意思)
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