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更新时间:2022-04-23 来源:互联网 点击:



  1 one1到20的英文怎么写(1到20的英文怎么写怎么读)

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  8 eight

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  If I have one thousand dollars,I will buy some flowers for my teachers and my parents,because they teach me a lot.If I have one thousand dollars,I will give some to the poor people and the poor children,let the children go to school and have a rich life.If I have one thousand dollars,I will buy a lot of books for myself.Then I will call my good friends come to my house to enjoy my books together.If I have one thousand dollars,I will set aside the money in the bank for the use in need of the future.My PetMy pet is a toy bear.His name is Small White.He is white.He has blue eyes and blue ears.His hands and feet are blue too.He is naughty.He likes to make fun of me.He likes reading.When I am unhappy,he accompanies me.He is my good friend.


  The lucky-number has become increasingly popular in daily life of mordern socialty. For example, the number eight means big money which people like most, while the number four means death.

  Some people believe lucky numbers so deeply that they will afford a telephone with numbers without four and others which is bad in their mind. they argue that the lucky-number really can bring good luck, and, at least, no evidence testify they can not.

  As far as I am concerned, there is no such relationship betwwen the numbers and lucky, for the reason that numbers theirself are given certain meaning for the purpose of application of mathmetic. And, In addition, man should not depend on lucky which, in their mind, the numbers gives them.


  The second section Bifeng a turn, the transition from scenery to narrative and narrative tan after bring out a social problem: Gumu pond shore dwelling on the family, see the author repeatedly to go there to play, ornamental, one day, came a knock on the door to tell him: because officials can not rent private debt heavy burden to escape to the mountains to the wasteland, willing to put tan on land sold to the author, to alleviate the current



  People believe that some numbers can bring them good lucky, so they like lucky numbers. In China,”8” is people’s favorite numbers, because it sounds “fa” in Chinese, which means” wealth”. “6” is another lucky number for many people. So people like choose numbers for their car numbers or phone numbers.

  And the car numbers or phone numbers with lucky numbers are more expensive than those without lucky numbers.

  The opening ceremony of 29th Olympics began at 08:08:08pm on august8, 2008 in Beijing. However, many people don’t believe lucky numbers. They think a number may have different meanings in different places.








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