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更新时间:2022-03-18 来源:互联网 点击:




  As a child,I am so luck.I dont need toworry about food.I always have enough delicious food,live in a big house,andhave beautiful clothes to dress.I am so happy that I have no idea to treasureall these things.

  I am a kind of particular about food.I often eat a littlefor one dish and the throw it away,because I have many choices.

  I will be fullafter eating several dishes.But one day,I watch a piece of news on TV.

  It isabout some Africa children who are suffering starvation.They are so poor.

  Theyare not only having no food to eat but also having little water to drink.A bowlof rice is very rare for them.

  Seeing their longing eyes,I feel guilty.I amregret about wasting food before.

  How can I waste so much rare food?From nowon,I will try my best to save food,to do something for them.


  Our government has called on the people to save food and eat healthily so that we can enjoy our happy life.We middle school students should do something for it.

  To save food,we shouldnt waste any of our food.We should eat up all the food.We shouldnt order the food more than we can eat while dining out,because many people in the world dont have enough to eat.To eat healthily,we shouldnt eat junk food but healthy food.Its good for our health to eat a balanced diet.Wed better not eat in small restaurants.The food and the oil they use are not clean or healthy enough.Wed better eat at school or at home if we have time.


  Eating is a important part in our daily life.Up to now,many people waste food as much as they can.As a middle school,I am very depressed.

  In order to protect the value food,we must try our best to do something which can stop people from wasting.Such as putting up some pictures and so on.

  Therefore,saving food is our task now.Let us do it from now on!


  How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?! Too many times!They are well-meaning people,and theyd like to give away the food instead of wasting it by putting it in the dustbin.Theyd maybe like to give the food to the needy or the poor,and theres probably a few beggars just along the road if anyone was kind enough to go along and see if they are hungry.So why dont they do it?Reason:Too many stupid rules!

  Just as surely as theres no pig bin anymore for food to be recycled as pork(because of various illconceived ideas about the health of pigs if they eat other peoples sunday lunches and leftovers),theres no"well lets give it to the beggars!"

  Apparently,beggars can in theory take the company to court if they are made ill by the food.Not that they are seriously going to be made ill by perfectly good food,and not that most beggars have the money to start a legal case.


  As a child,I am so luck.I dont need to worry about food.I always have enough delicious food,live in a big house,and have beautiful clothes to dress.

  I am so happy that I have no idea to treasure all these things.I am a kind of particular about food.I often eat a little for one dish and the throw it away,because I have many choices.I will be full after eating several dishes.But one day,I watch a piece of news on TV.It is about some Africa children who are suffering starvation.

  They are so poor.They are not only having no food to eat but also having little water to drink.A bowl of rice is very rare for them.Seeing their longing eyes,I feel guilty.I am regret about wasting food before.How can I waste so much rare food?From now on,I will try my best to save food,to do something for them.


  I dont need to worry about food.I always have enough delicious food,live in a big house,and have beautiful clothes to dress.I am so happy that I have no idea to treasure all these things.I am a kind of particular about food.I often eat a little for one dish and the throw it away,because I have many choices.I will be full after eating several dishes.

  But one day,I watch a piece of news on TV.It is about some Africa children who are suffering starvation.They are so poor.They are not only having no food to eat but also having little water to drink.A bowl of rice is very rare for them.Seeing their longing eyes,I feel guilty.I am regret about wasting food before.How can I waste so much rare food?

  From now on,I will try my best to save food,to do something for them.






  When I was small,my mother told me not to waste the food,so I cultivate the behavior of eating up the food.When I go out to eat,I will buy the food that is suitable for me,unlike other kids,they will buy as much as they want,and they cant eat up,throwing away the food.But I will make sure I can eat up the food.


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