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更新时间:2022-03-28 来源:互联网 点击:




  "Wuhan refueling, China refueling!" this sonorous and powerful words have been echoing in my heart for a long time can not be calm. The moving pictures on the mobile phone are unforgettable in my mind for a long time. After watching the South China Sea class meeting, I was filled with emotion, proud of the angel in white standing on the front line, and proud of the Chinese people.

  The class meeting described the precautions and ideological bottom line of scientific epidemic prevention: to put an end to bad speech and safety order, you and I jointly observe and other topics. It even describes how to wear masks and how to clean them.

  Because the novel coronavirus has been harmful to our human body, causing many people to get infected with the virus. Some of them have started using the Internet to create rumors, dirty the nation, insult the people, defame the heroic image, damage the reputation of others, and so on, so that some people are in fear and worry. In response to this behavior, the big class meeting also provides us with some ways to wash hands and hair frequently, drink more hot water and wear masks when going out. Scientific epidemic prevention should be far away from the disease source and infection source, timely report and seek medical treatment in case of any situation, pay attention to personal hygiene, do a good job in disinfection and ventilation, maintain immunity and good mentality.

  Seeing those moving scenes and moving actions on the Internet, we are striving for our motherland I can't help tears in my eyes. In our great China, in this "epidemic", the fine tradition of a group of Chinese people, who are willing to dedicate and have boundless love, is passed on in silence. Let's cheer for Wuhan and China!


  The sudden outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia has changed our lives. This year's Spring Festival has been extraordinary.

  The original lively Spring Festival was beaten by the epidemic and broke up unhappily. Many people can't go home and get together with their relatives. But a selfless angel in white did not leave his post at this crisis moment, saying: "where there is an epidemic, there is a battlefield. It's common sense that there will be sacrifices in the battlefield. " Zhong Nanshan, an 84 year old academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, rushed to the front line of the most dangerous anti epidemic situation.

  A selfless angel in white, because Wuhan is closed but wants to make some contribution to the country, so he would not hesitate to sneak into Wuhan. In sharp contrast to others.

  Many angels in white wrote letters of invitation. They said that they fought hard against SARS in 2003 and will not be absent this time. Moved all the Chinese. They gave up the time of reunion with their relatives, were not afraid of the risk of being infected by the virus, and rushed to fight in the front line of epidemic prevention and control, regardless of pay, life and death, regardless of conditions. These busy figures glittering with the brilliance of human nature and fighting in the battlefield of anti epidemic gathered into an invincible Chinese force!

  Doctors, father and son, are encouraging each other through protective glass. They are father and son, and even comrades in arms For patients, "I don't know who you are, but I know who you are for." At the critical moment, the angel in white becomes a steel warrior. Behind "walking against the virus, bravely being a rebel" is the boundless benevolence of doctors, who have built an indestructible defense line of life hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder.

  Dark clouds can not cover the sun, the haze will eventually spread, only efforts will not be failed. Who is the most beautiful in this battle? Who is the most tired? Our comrades in arms fighting on the front line and Chinese people fighting in the rear, let us respond to the call of the state. Don't make trouble for the country. Keep the epidemic away as soon as possible.

  As long as we work together, unite and walk hand in hand. It will definitely defeat the epidemic. Usher in the scene of warm spring flowers blooming and flowers contending.

  Come on, angel in white! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!


  Facing the sea, spring flowers bloom. What is the sea and when do they bloom

  New year has always been full of joy. Compared with the previous year, this year is a bit dimmed. There is less noise in the community. The only thing is the sound of the Spring Festival party. All the Chinese are waiting for a flower to bloom

  Hot and dry noodles are the yearning of many people. The cherry blossom in April attracts tourists from all over the world to stop and watch. The poems of Yellow Crane Tower are sung for thousands of years. The place where they gather, Wuhan.

  Natural disasters and man-made disasters will always bring harm. On New Year's Eve, there is a virus spreading and being sealed off in Wuhan. Panic will always ferment faster than disaster. At 12 o'clock, I think that we sincerely pray for the end of the epidemic in front of the TV.

  Since childhood, I have an ambition to become a doctor. At the beginning, it was only their superb medical skills and their glory. Later, it was understood that these were all exchanged with sweat, blood and tears. Kobe said you've seen Los Angeles at 4:00 a.m.? They've seen it. At 2:30 a.m. or even the whole night, they used to think that high school didn't need to study hard. However, college students watched half a person's high books shed tears at the back, and how many people changed their ways because of the long road. It's too hard to stick to this profession. They need to learn a lot of things and learn how to be true Positive growth.

  In the outbreak of the epidemic, how many medical staff have signed up to forge ahead in the new hospital in Wuhan. They are countercurrent people. Are you afraid of the serious epidemic? They will also be afraid. They are also their sons and their fathers have the burden on their shoulders. But they volunteered for the front line. How many doctors and nurses shaved their long hair just to prevent infection. The thick protective clothing was wet by sweat, and the masks pressed out the blisters on their faces. There was no complaint. They laughed really beautifully and made people feel warm. Have you ever experienced despair? It's a true reflection of many patients. In the single ward without company, there is a cough in the next room from time to time, but there is still light. The encouragement of the medical staff is like a ray of light into the patient's heart, bringing warmth.

  Will winter be far away in spring.

  Wuhan, China, is very beautiful. It's hot and hot in the summer. A palm fan grows up with you. There is always the smell of hot and dry noodles at the entrance of the street. How many people have stepped on the mud beside the road. Wuhan is very prosperous. There are drivers who drive late at night under the light. They always have to eat some midnight snack on the street. When the street under the light is raining, there is even some misty rain.

  In Wuhan in February, the streets are empty, and the withered grass blown by the wind is broken when it lands. Although there are many people in the hospital, they are very warm. With their company, the patients regain their confidence and win the anti epidemic war.

  There is nothing invincible, but behind the victory is the result of the joint efforts of all the people. When one side is in trouble, the other side supports the other side. The hearts of the Chinese people are closely linked. Medical materials are transported from all sides, which is the love of the whole people for their compatriots.

  There is no invincible difficulty. Behind Wuhan is the support of the whole nation. The virus can be isolated but not talk about love. Because there is love, it becomes more warm.

  When you listen to the sound of flowers, it's hope that when they bloom, the hot and dry noodles will be healthy.

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