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更新时间:2023-06-17 来源:互联网 点击:


pattern的词典解释 篇一

1、 模式;方式

A pattern is the repeated or regular way in which something happens or is done.

e.g. All three attacks followed the same pattern.。.


e.g. A change in the pattern of his breathing became apparent.


2、 图案;花样

A pattern is an arrangement of lines or shapes, especially a design in which the same shape is repeated at regular intervals over a surface.

e.g. 。.。a golden robe embroidered with red and purple thread stitched into a pattern of flames.


3、 模型;样板

A pattern is a diagram or shape that you can use as a guide when you are making something such as a model or a piece of clothing.

e.g. 。.。cutting out a pattern for trousers.。.


e.g. Send for our free patterns to knit yourself.


pattern的单语例句 篇二

1、 Huang said China's Internet companies usually lack a solid profit pattern and they are too eager to expand their business scope.

2、 Such a consumption pattern reflects that the symptomatic or symbolic value of a product for the buyer is much higher than its use value.

3、 It is an approach seldom adopted by Hollywood genre films in which the stories develop in a certain pattern and always have a clear resolution.

4、 The handle is created by a price retreat from the upper right hand point of the cup pattern.

5、 The pattern is invalidated by a fourth rally that rises above the peak level of the right shoulder.

6、 Currently there is no price or chart pattern development that allows for the calculation of the upside target above $ 460.

7、 To transform the growth pattern and get out of the trap of " resource curse ", the Libyan government has to have a strong operation capacity.

8、 She said the basic pattern of capital flows of China remained unchanged.

9、 This perception has attracted huge capital from different domestic industries, which completely distorted its structure and development pattern.

pattern的意思 篇三

英 [ˈpætn] 美 [ˈpætərn]


名词 模式; 图案; 花样,样品; 榜样,典范

及物动词 模仿; 以图案装饰

不及物动词 形成图案


1、 I don't like the pattern on the fabric.


2、 You can make a dress from this paper pattern.


3、 Mary used a paper pattern to make her new dress.



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