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英文欢迎词 篇一

Distinguished leaders, distinguished guests, comrades and friends:

Hello everyone!This evening, the x song competition finals were held in our x x city. We are all very happy. First of all, we would like to express our warm welcome and sincere thanks to the chairman x x x x x x x x x x x x x president of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) at the opening ceremony, the leaders of the provincial literary Federation, the leaders and contestants from all the brothers and cities, as well as the guests and friends.

We are very grateful to the provincial CPPCC and the Provincial Federation of literary and art unions for their attention and love for our x x, and put the provincial CPPCC first "x x Cup" Cantonese Opera Competition finals in our x x x! The Party committee of the Communist Party of China and the Municipal People's government attached great importance to the competition and gave clear instructions and strong support to the preparatory work of the competition. We, the Municipal Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the Municipal Cultural Bureau, the City Cultural Federation and the relevant units, were also active and mutually assisting in the preparation of the tournament, and endeavor to live up to the Provincial Political Consultative Conference and the Provincial Cultural Federation. Great trust。

This Guangdong opera final can be held in our city, not only because our city is the birthplace of Cantonese opera culture, Cantonese opera, Cantonese and Cantonese culture and art have good traditions and good mass base in our city, and more mainly is the Qionghua Cantonese Opera and art culture festival held in the previous period of our city and the Guangdong opera performance competition in our province in Foshan. A test of success. We warmly welcome all the leaders, experts and guests to give valuable comments on the cultural construction of our city.

We also cherish the opportunity to hold the final of the first "x x Cup" singing contest of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference in our city, further promote the city's mass Cantonese singing, excavate more outstanding Cantonese talents, carry forward the excellent traditional culture of South of the Five Ridges, flourish Cantonese Opera and Cantonese culture and art, and make Cantonese opera culture a famous cultural city in our city. Important strength and characteristic brand should contribute to the building of a cultural province.

Finally, I wish the athletes of every city to play their best, sing their own style, sing their best standards and get the best results. I wish this competition a complete success!

Thank you all.

英文欢迎词 篇二

Leaders and teachers:

Good morning, everybody! Today is another great event of our educational circles in Lu Kou Town. Today is full of the attention of all schools to teaching and research activities, which fully shows the enthusiasm of our teachers to participate in the teaching and research activities and the desire for the implementation of the new curriculum and the promotion of quality education experience. In particular, Mr. Ho, the director of the Education Bureau, will come from Hefei to visit the field for guidance. Mr. Wang and Mr. Wang will make a special report for everyone in his busy schedule, which is more inspiring to each of our teachers in Lu Kou. Here, on behalf of Lu Kou Zhen central school, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the leaders and teachers.

With the support of the director Liu and the Ling Party group, the education and research activities have fully reflected the care and affection of the County Education Bureau and the leadership of the teaching and research office to my town. At the same time, it also condenses the enthusiasm and strength of the general colleagues of the schools to the teaching and research activities.

In recent years, under the correct guidance of the teaching and Research Department of the county, Lu Kou Town focuses on the sustainable development of education, deeply comprehends the spirit of the whole church, combines education with the plan of 12th Five-Year, tries to standardize the behavior of running a school, deepens the curriculum reform, based on the main channel of the classroom teaching, and develops the multi channel effectively, in order to realize the three orientation of quality education. A lot of exploration has been made to achieve the "three dimensional goal" of the new curriculum. In this period, teaching research and research activities are carried out in various schools, and teaching research is supported by teaching research to promote the progress of teaching, promote the growth of teachers, and apply the achievements of teaching and research to practical teaching. But there is still a gap between the expectations of leaders and the aspirations of the community. We sincerely hope that the leaders will give us valuable suggestions and suggestions during the meeting, and the teachers will learn and understand them carefully and further improve the level of school and the quality of education in our town.

Comrades, quality education gives us the important task of history and provides a broad innvation stage for teaching and research work. Let us make full use of the platform of collaborative teaching and research, strengthen cooperation and exchange, create a new situation for the teaching and research work of my town hand in hand, and create a team of famous teachers in my town.

Finally, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations and thanks to all of you who have won this joint examination, and wish this conference a complete success. Thank you.

欢迎词英语 篇三

Ladies and gentlemen:

First of all,please allow me to expre a warm welcome to you on behalf of our School of Civil Engineering&Architecture of hainan have been looking forward to seeing you for a long is a very nice day on the Island of Hainan,Hainan University is the only comprehensive university in this in the capital city of Haikou in Hainan Province,Hainan University is bounded by Qiongzhou Strait to the north and Nandu Jiang River to the campus is characterized by its tropical marine shoreline with coconut-scented breeze and undulating expanse of sea and lake waters rippling in the University covers 150 hectares of land,offering an ideal surrounding for learning and growing in a domain of School is relatively small between all school of our it is one of the most popular Since we are already here.

let"s make ourselves at you very Ladies and Gentlemen,The time has come for BULANG profeor to ’s a pity that you can not stay in Hainan university any me,on behalf of our School of Civil Engineering&Architecture,then,to take this opportunity to say something by way of a of all,I wish to thank you all for the speech you have given us in the past have kept good time on all occasions,which made things a lot easier .Also,you have been kind enough to offer us suggestions on how to do better in the area of Academic ’d like to add that you are the best friends we’ve ever been again,thank you for your speech and your voyage!

欢迎词英文 篇四

Today, you enter the university campus. This is a great leap in the way of life. More than 10 years of hard reading finally got the first heavy harvest. The youth you chose Xi'an University Of Architecture And Technology Huaqing college, the young Huaqing college also chose you, this is a very lucky matter! Xi'an University Of Architecture And Technology is located in the famous historical and cultural city of Xi'an, south of the famous Tang Dynasty great wild goose pagoda, the north facing the world famous Ming Dynasty Changan city wall; Huaqing Institute is located in this thirteen Dynasties History of the cultural ancient capital, the history of heavy, cultural immersion, so that this is a teaching, reading and learning theory I want to have a holy place. On behalf of all the students of the college, the college student union wishes to extend heartfelt congratulations and warm welcome to all the students.

The university is a simple, full, and growing place where we grow our will. When this time of excitement is over, you will find that even the life of the university is not as exciting as it is imagined. Maybe apartment houses are inconveniences; maybe canteen meals do not suit their own tastes; maybe some courses, or even some very promising courses are boring; maybe it is common to find a famous professor; maybe some of the suggestions made with enthusiasm have not been answered for a long time; maybe the exam results are not very good. Perhaps many teachers may be too busy to notice your troubles and troubles; perhaps many of you will soon forget the determination to be dark before entering the school.

We say so because we have walked this way. Life is bound to melt many passions, ideals, resolutions and pursuits, and even make life merely "alive".

University, is the place to fly dreams, a place to study and study, a palace for adults. After entering the University, we can never relax, never have a half slack and never waste your life. Bo view is taken, diligent and endeavor. "To meet the light with a struggle, and to treat life with a smile. Keep in mind that laughter is better than crying. Learn to smile in life, learn to live in a smile, appreciate the great value of life in a smiling life, and experience the infinite joy of life. Let laughter always fill our campus, our life!

Today you are fragrant and fragrant. Tomorrow you are the pillar of the country. "Youth is my teacher, I am a young friend", let us learn from each other, promote each other, and strive for the rise of China. I wish you all a bright future in the fertile land of Huaqing.

欢迎词英语 篇五

Good,ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to CHINA,Welcome to SHENZHEN.

Please sit back and relax,Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you do not have to worry about it.

Let me introduce my team x is our driver,He has 20years of driving underhis belt,so we are in very safe hands.I always call my English name is,my Chinese name is,you may call me or Mr,which is my family name.we are from SHENZHEN OVERSEAS INTERNATIONAL TRAVE SERVICE,On behalf of and my colleagues,I d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.

During your stay in our city,I will be you local guide,I will do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant you have any problems or requests,Pls do not hesitate to let me know.

you are going to stay at the Crown plaza hotel,a luxurious,five star hotel,Althouth the hotel is not exactly in downtown SHENZHEN,it is strategically located with easy access to many tourist attractions.As you will be staying in our city for two days,you will do well to remember the number of our bus and my Phone NO.,the bus NO.is,my phone .let me repeat....

There is one thing I must warn you against,You must not drink an tap water in the hotel,because un boiled water might make you ill.

I do hope you will enjoy your time in our city.

欢迎词英语 篇六

Good morning.everyone!Welcome to Chengdu!Our tour group is made up of food lovers from all over the ,please allow me to introduce my team first.My name is bao,Mr.li is our driver,he has 15 years driving experience.so your trip is very safe.We are from kanghui Travel behalf of my company and my colleagues,I would like to extend a warm welcome to you all.The trip to Chengdu is 3 days.We are going to visit wuhou temple、Dujiang Dam.our phone number is 1234567,If you have any problems or request,please contact me as soon as poible.

Now we are leaving ShuangLiu Airport for our hotel.Well let me give you a brief introduction to Chengdu!Chengdu is located in southwest China,and the hinterland of the Chengdu Plain.Chengdu is the birthplace of the ancient Shu civilization.The weather in Chengdu is very comfortable,like spring all the year round,so it’s very livable.And Chengdu is the hometown of drama,and Sichuan opera is a major feature of Sichuan culture.The famous "face-changing" stunt in Sichuan opera is known around the world.In addition,if you like shopping.Chunxi Road in Chengdu is a good choice.You can buy all kinds of things you like and enjoy leisure time here,I believe you will fall in love with chengdu.Lets talk about our summer Hotel.This is a good and beautiful five star hotel!I believe that this hotel will make you feel at home with perfect service.Well,now weve arrived at the destination!Please bring your belongings,we will get off soon,I will wait for you in the hotel lobby tomorrow morning at 10 am!Have a nice day here!

欢迎词英语 篇七

Welcome speech Ladies and gentlemen:

It’s my honor to be here to give our hearty welcome to all of the new comers,on behalf of the college of civil engineering and architecture in Hainan,welcome all of you!

First of all,I want to say you are the new blood of our university which is wellspring the spirit of adventure and abundant energy in is to say,All of you should take the responsibility to spare no effort to show your talent and skills when you try to seek the true meaning of the campus.

Then,let’s come to the point of the current state of our Our university is the only one included in the National Key Subject Program in Hainan you step in it,don’t doubt about your genius and hold your head ’s more,our campus is located in special economic zone the place that plenty of chance is waiting for,Of course,we have plenty of weakne compare with the prestigious is the fact we cannot whether your mood is Excited or depreed,it’s or not is depended on all of that,what we should do is standing on the reality and trying your the end,I hope all of you will enjoy your meaningful campus ’s give our brother and sister our sincere welcome again!

英文欢迎词 篇八

Good evening! ladies and gentlemen !welcome to my activity! (掌声)

First let me introduce myself. My name is Peter ,an English teacher in a University .I'm honored to have this opportunity to welcome dear friends .

An old Chinese saying may express my hospitality:“Here come friends afar, exceedingly how happy we are!” Your visit makes our activity full of fragrance and passion. I am sure the communication between us will promote the activity becoming better and better. Therefore, please allow me to express my sincere greetings and warm welcome to our honorable friends .(掌声)

We are a group where you can study English ,share something happy with each other and communicate our trouble in our life with each other. It is just like a big family. Let's help each other. Here is full of positive energy. And you know, we hold this kind of activity for free every Saturday night. We are here to spread our wisdom. I do hope everyone here can get something valuable,useful ,healthy and positive from our activities.

Thank you very much!

英文欢迎词 篇九

Respected leaders and teachers:

Good morning!

More than ten days in the exam, how to do a good 07 years of the exam preparation for the examination is a common concern of all of us now, in line with the "sharing of resources, complementary advantages, mutual promotion, common improvement", we have come together in several schools. On behalf of the Yangxin experimental middle school, I would like to express our sincere thanks to the colleagues from the Daye experimental middle school, the iron mine 1 middle school, the Tuan Cheng mountain experimental school, the color second middle, the nine middle and fourteen medium brotherhood schools. Health, work to win!

This year is the tenth year of Yangxin's return to Huangshi. Today we are welcome to all of us. This day appears to be of special significance. In the past ten years, we have good cooperation with the brothers school in Huangshi. To further strengthen exchanges and cooperation, to achieve "win-win" to "multi win" has always been the common desire of all of us, experimental middle school With the good reputation of "Millennium Confucianism and one hundred years old school", it is the friendly cooperation and exchange that promotes our development and expansion. Under the correct leadership of the party's total branch and the school committee, the real people set up the concept of "let every student get fully developed", and adhere to the "people-oriented, democratic decision, expert treatment and coordinated development". "Strategy" has gone out of the road of "managing schools according to law, setting up schools with quality, promoting research through scientific research, and improving quality and strengthening schools". The school has been awarded the honorary title of "Hubei province safety and civilization school", "Hubei province sports traditional project school", "Hubei province education research experiment base" and "Huangshi city education and scientific research experiment school", "Huangshi city primary and middle school 35 Prussian advanced collectives", "Hubei province civilization single place" and so on, these achievements are taken It is also inseparable from the help of the brotherhood school.

This exchange will be held in our school. All the leaders and() teachers are experts in teaching and expert in preparing for the examination. We have rich experience and unique views. We believe that the exchange of this platform will let everyone get inspiration and help, and take this as the beginning, and continue to push us into the deeper level. Cooperation. This year is the first midterm of the new curriculum standard in Huangshi. It is our concern to analyze the characteristics of the test questions in recent years, to grasp the direction of the exam proposition, to clear the strategy of the exam, to take effective countermeasures and to strengthen the pertinent review. In the form of examination papers exchange, question discussion and free exchange, we plead with everyone to speak out and speak out. We should focus on the key, explain and solve difficulties; we should pay attention to the hot spots and grasp the dynamic; we should pay attention to the research and share it together; we should strengthen the connection and cooperate constantly.

In the end, I wish we will have a full success in this exchange. We have achieved satisfactory results in our mid-term exam, and I hope you will often come to our school to be a guest. Thank you.


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